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Emergency Stern Tube Bearing Rebabbitting

Aft Stern Tube Bearing Renewal Completed In 5 Days

During the dry docking of the Oil Product Tanker, Nordic Fighter, the vessel’s stern tube was inspected before the tail shaft was removed. The stern tube bearing was observed to have damage in the aft bottom area of the stern tube.

The chief superintendent identified this as a serious defect and immediately requested the shipyard engage Goltens Shanghai to inspect and rebabbit the 1.2M long x 636mm diameter stern tube.

After a brief conference about the problem, Goltens responded immediately, dispatching an experienced supervisor to inspect the AFT stern tube bearing and tail shaft condition. The stern tube was then transported to Goltens workshop where the repair was undertaken as quickly as possible so as not to interrupt the vessel’s schedule.

  • Damaged stern tube pre-rebabitting by Goltens

    Damaged stern tube pre-rebabitting

  • Goltens performing horizontal boring of stern tube

    Horizontal boring of stern tube

  • Fully reconditioned stern tube by Goltens

    Fully reconditioned stern tube


Vessel type: Crude/Oil Products Tanker
Stern Tube Dimensions: OD: 636.00mm x L: 1,200mm
Tonnage: 153,328 DWT
Main Engine: MAN B&W 6S70MC


  • Incoming inspection of AFT stern tube bearing before and after removal of damaged white metal bearing material
  • Rebabbitting the AFT stern tube bearing
  • Machining white metal inside diameter according to owner provided drawings
  • DNV class inspection at Goltens Shanghai workshop witnessed by the vessel owner
  • Complete UT inspection and dye checking at workshop
  • Laser alignment checking of the tail shaft alignment


Goltens’ workshop completed this rebabbitting service within 5 days. Goltens Shanghai coordinated the entire operation and arranged forwarder, local agent and DNV Class Surveyor in order to meet the owner’s urgent vessel schedule with the shipyard.

The customer commented on an excellent and timely completion of the emergency repair. Goltens Shanghai once again demonstrated why Goltens is always the first call for many international ship owners and local shipyards when emergencies occur.

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